Goodreads: Mother of

Author: Lauren Coffin

Published: 26th December 2017

Source: Copy from Author

Rating: 4/5 (Really liked it)

Official Summary: “Following the arrest of her youngest son, caught burying a body in the woods near the home where she raised him, Meredith Mayes moves through the memories of her own life with disbelief. Her sense of loss is familiar: her husband and firstborn son died in a car accident ten years prior. These two events circle one another in her mind, enshrouding her as one grief reawakens the other.” – Goodreads (Blurb is longer)

Review: The past and present did take a bit of getting used to, that being said I really enjoyed this. It was so intriguing, you wanted to know what had happened, what was happening. You want to see what she was going to do, what Curtis was going to do. You felt for these two people thrown together because of a situation they had no control over. Their emotions were so real and their own. You really connected with them.

(Disclaimer: I received a free copy from the Author, does not affect my review)